Wednesday, June 3, 2009

chunk - a - monk!!

1 month old!!!

Layla is now 1 month old ... i cant believe it!!! We went to the dr today and Layla was 8 lbs 7 oz and 22 inches long. She was 6lbs 3oz  and 20 inches 1 month ago so she is packing on the pounds!!! We had to go to the outpatient lab today though to check her bilirubin. She still looks a little yellow so they wanted to check. We should know tomorrow what the number is. They said it is probably related to being a breast fed baby and being early but they want to check to be sure. I will keep everyone updated. 
Here are a few more pics!!


Monday, June 1, 2009

Layla Ann!!!
May 5, 2009
6 bs 3oz, 19 3/4 inches

Yes I am just now getting 5 minutes to write a little something and post some pics. Its been a crazy few weeks. Layla has been doing wonderful. She is eating every 2-3 hours and for a while there even more often. Its been a big adjustment to having 2 but its been a blessing. I guess i should share a little about how she decided to make her appearance early but not too early.
Tuesday morning right when dannys alarm went off, i started having really strong painful contractions. They were definitely different then the others. So i tried waiting them out but they started out about 6 minutes apart. We were trying to let danny get to work then say he had to leave so he didnt have to take a whole day but it was apparent by 6:30 when he was going to leave that wasnt going to happen. So we quickly called my sis, which had graciously helped me pack a bag that weekend, and dropped the "DA" and Hunter off with her. 
We got to the hospital at 7:15, i was 4cm but then so danny started calling everyone. Since i was 36 weeks and 4 days they werent going to try and hold her off so we knew things would be happening today. By 9 i was asking when i was going to get a room and an epidural. Things were getting pretty intense. I am 6cm and SHE HAD ME WALK TO MY ROOM!!!! So then when the new nurse checked me at 9:15 I was 8cm and begging for an epidural. I had to get an antibiotic since I was group B strep positive, so they started that. They originally told me I would have to get 2 L of fluid ... i was half way through the first when i arrived at the new room. I told the nurse ... then start another IV and run 2 bags because i am going to have to push or get an epidural, this is crazy!!! :o) The contractions were uch worse this time around. Anyways the nurse wasnt saying much ... and we were getting upset ... when in walked the epidural team ...!! They gave me the epidural at 10:15 and things quickly got better. 
I didnt end up having her till 1:07. They kept waiting for my water to break and holding things of so i could get another antibiotic and the fluid. The doctor was amazing and we were very blessed when she was on call. When i started having contractions that morning i called to see who was on call that night knowing that meant the other one was going to be on for the day. :o)
God answered so many of our prayers that day. The dr I was praying for was on call ... Layla was healthy ... when she was born they quickly put her on my chest and she did well ... my mom and sis were there with us through the whole thing ... we made it to 36 weeks ... and many more ... we are sooo very blessed!!! Thank you to everyone who has kept us in your thoughts and prayers. I will try to post more pics soon. 

Hunter holding her for the first time ... He "lubs her"

Lovin and tummy time from mommy!!!

Some lovin from Daddy!!

Famiy pic!!

Layla looking so cute!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby day!

Baby day!!!
Hunter working in his room with daddy! He loves his safety goggles!!
Another pic of the hardwood!

Well, today is officially baby day as danny puts it. We are doing all we can to put baby sister's stuff away and get the room ready. The hardwood floor is now finished in her and hunters room. Hunter absolutely loves it. There is a border through the middle of the room, the shinny part .. you can kind of see it, he calls that his skate boarding ramp, so he steps on his pretend skateboard ... puts on his pretend helmet and then runs around the room. He is so cute!!! Him and Danny are on their way to home depot to buy the non-scratch stuff to put under everything then we are moving everything back in ... well him and my sis will ... not me. :o)

Early saturday morning we thought she was making her enterance. I woke up around 3:25 with pretty painful contractions. They went to about 5 minutes apart ... unfortunately danny had a fishing tournament to go to and i had a hair appt so he was forcing water down me once again. They then went to 10 min and 6 minutes apart for about 2 hours and eventually stopped. So we got through the day. I did have to remind him that we can have this baby now :o) so after today hopefully we will be a little more mentally and physically prepared :o) I told him ... next time i hope my water just breaks so we have no other option :o) We kind of thought maybe she would want to come last night but nothing yet.

I just thought i would write a little update about the weekend. Hunter is doing amazing potty training ... he now likes to stand up to pee like his daddy. We just have to remind him to backup before he slams down the seat. :o) We miss you all!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

36 weeks!!!

36 weeks today!!!!

We are so excited and thrilled to be at week 36. I cant believe we are here but like I said I am not complaining. :o) This week at the dr. I received my last progesterone shot, which is awesome. She checked me which they will do every week now and I was 1+ cm dilated. So just a little more then I was two weeks ago when she checked. I still havent gained any weight. I talked with the dr about it and she wasnt concerned. She thinks she is about 5 pounds and doesnt expect her to get much over 6lbs so we will see. It is just so weird to work so hard to workout and not gain weight when i wasnt pregnant and now i am doing absolutely NOTHING and im not gaining anything ... crazy. She also said i could start doing more. Still takng it easy but be on my feet a little more ... swim some if i want to. So hopefully we will get to swim some this weekend. Anyways, i go back next thursday and we will see how everything is. Danny thinks she will come mothers day weekend because may 9th ... saturday ... is the next full moon. 

Yesterday we started putting hardwood in hunters room. Danny has been wanting to put it in the bedrooms since we moved in and we just decided to go ahead and do it. So "mr.james" started the kids room yesterday and will do our room next week. So far it looks really good and hopefully will also benefit hunters allergies and asthma. I will post some pics when we get the room set up. The whole getting things ready and putting things together is getting exciting now!! Here are a couple pics of hunter when Danny and my dad were taking out the carpet in his room. Yes he is in his little boxer brief underwears ... which are soo cute!!! 


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weekly update!!

Well, everything went well at the dr yesterday. Nothing really to report. I received my second to last progesterone shot!!! YAY!!! I can not wait for next week when i get the last one of this pregnancy. She didnt check me or anything but they will start next week doing that. No weight gained but she wasnt worried. She says i am measuring correctly so she isnt concerned. I thought i would have gained weight easier while being on bed rest but that hasnt been the case ... so oh well. no complaints here!! :o)

The other big accomplishment this week has been hunter getting potty trained. My friend Lensey was right ... it will just happen when he is ready. And she couldnt be more right. Saturday I woke up and had him pee in the potty after ate breakfast then i just left his diaper off. He told me when he had to pee pretty much all morning. Then everything kind of built on to that. He now wears his "underwears" all day unless he takes his nap. I had been leaving his diaper on during the morning around the time he usually poops but for the last 3 days he has been telling us when he needs to go. He is pretty excited ... especially about his spiderman underwears. I think spiderman is the key that helped us get him used to wearing underpants. He has been sick through all of this which made me nervous but like lensey said ... when they are ready they are ready and he is proving to be easy at these types of things ... like weening the paci ... nemo helped with that ... when he had to go get an ECHO and EKG ... perfect angel ... no issues ... when he had stitches removed from behind his ear and they held his head down ... no issues ... i guess that means ... baby sister here is going to be our little miss diva!!!

I will keep you all updated on any news as always. Hope you are enjoying the warm weather!
Here is a pic of hunter "doing his business" on the potty this morning ... he had to take his new leapfrog in to help things along!! :o)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Weekly update!

We went back to the dr yesterday. Everything basically stayed the same. My cervix was 2.5cm and i wasnt dilated anymore then before. They did another FFN on friday when I was in the hospital with contractions again. I have been there the last 3 months on the full moon or friday the 13th. Its been crazy but next month if it happens again ... no problem! :o) Anyway, the test was negative so they didnt do another one this week since it was just done. 
Basically the dr said if my water breaks then from friday on they wont stop the labor to give me the steroids. Between now and 36 weeks is when the baby learns to suck, swallow and breathe at the same time. So 36 weeks is the ultimate goal but anything now isnt bad either. I no longer have to take the Procardia just try and drink lots of water if the contractions start. We are really excited to finally be out of the critical ... scary times and just waiting her out now. I told the dr i made a hair appt for the weekend i turn 36 weeks ... she laughed and even said i could drive myself ... i hope i remember how to!! :o) 
I hope everyone had a very blessed Easter. Hunter really enjoyed coloring his Easter eggs and doing the Easter egg hunt this year. He was such a little man. Easter morning he was so excited to go through his basket he was shaking. Then he kept hiding the eggs outside and throughout the house then going to find them. it was so cute!! Now he uses the Easter basket ... it was the baseball bucket from target as a bucket to collect all his golf balls ... seriously he has about 30 or so ... he puts them in the bucket gets his club puts them in his little tikes truck he has and "goes to the golf course." Of course its just in the back yard but he was line up some tees ... put the ball on the tee ... then go collect all the balls and do it again ... it is so cute to watch. He is crazy about golf! 
I will keep you all updated on any developments. I will continue weekly dr appts until the baby comes. Hopefully things will stay quiet for a few weeks then we will have some pics of ... Avery ... Layla ... or Gracie to share!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

33 weeks!!

I wanted to write a quick update, while i am laying here on the tile floor trying to pay bills and do some facebooking. My brothers laptop needs a charger so I am not able to easily get on the computer right now. Anyway ... Danny didnt have practice today so him and hunter went to the driving range ... big surprise right!!! :o)
I went to the dr yesterday and thinned more. When i first layed down for the ultrasound my cervix was 1.4cm which is down from 3cm last week. But we think it was during a contraction because as we continued it thickened to 2.4cm so they documented between 1.4cm and 2.4cm. Which is down from last week of course but with my FFN test still being negative it wasnt too concerning yet. They plan to do another FFN test next wednesday and another ultrasound. If i am below 1.5cm or the FFN is postive they will admit me for 24 hours to give me the steroids for the babies lungs then hopefully i can go back home to the couch! :o) Next week will also be the last transvaginal ultrasound so thats exciting since this has een weekly since 22 weeks and every other week since 16 weeks. I will still have to do the progesterone shots. I can not wait until these are over. We have also been doing these since 16 weeks and let tell you just how sore my booty is. Its been awful these last few weeks but I will still continue them till 36 weeks. I lost weight 1 pound which conpletely amazes me. I havent been too hungry since i just lay around and dont expend much energy and I have to drink more then a galloon of liquid a day and so my stomach is always full of water. Its just crazy. I am sure i will make up for it next week so no worries.
I did get to target yesterday, it was pretty humorous ... danny pushing me around in a wheelchair which was really short. But I really wanted to pick stuff out for hunters Easter basket. Funny story ... hunter walked in on me in the bathroom the other day ... well his diego potty seat was there and he looked at me ... then pulled up my shirt and said ... thats my diego potty ... baby sister ... mommy will buy you a dora one!! I am ecited to see him with her when she does get here. He has been so cute and excited lately!
Well i will keep everyone updated. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers we can feel them and really appreciate them.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

wednesday update!

31 weeks and counting!!

I went to the dr today as usual on wednesdays. Danny was able to come with me since he is on spring break. It worked out really well because he was able to meet the other dr in the practice. My cervix measured a little thicker then last week. I was 2.9cm which is good. Its holding. She checked me and i was still the same ... 1cm dilated. They also did the fetalfibronectin test but we wont know the results till later today or tomorrow early. So everything is staying steady! Maybe we will get to 36 weeks!!! :o) The dr was joking that i will have to end up being induced. We will see!!!

Danny has been off all week and although he has had baseball at night Hunter is living it up. Every morning he wakes up and is so excited that the "sun woke up" and the "golf course is open now." They go to the driving range which he calls the golf course. I wish I had some pictures to show how cute he is there. I havent been when they go in probably before I got pregnant but danny said he does extremely well. He brings his driver and goes over picks up the ball ... puts it on the tee ... then swings ... and says "ooohhh". He does it over and over and loves every minute. For some reason while i have been on bed rest I have gotten into watching golf especially when tiger plays so hunter is in golf heaven. When we say theres tiger ... he says ... "no tigers go roar!!" so we have to be sure and say ... theres tiger woods! Hes so cute!!!

I added some pictures of Hunter in the bathtub. He found his wings and "lifesaber" as he calls it at the house. My mom has been coming over and helping go through things and get everything organized. He wanted to go swimming so badly but although it is almost warm enough the water is freezing so I had him get in the bath. He loved it!!


Floating on his back!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

"wednesday" update

Sorry this is so late. I have been pretty exhausted lately and have decided to nap instead of updating this. :o) Wednesday I went back to the dr. I thinned to 2.5cm. I have been steady at 3cm lately so it is a little disappointing. She didnt check me or anything and wont recheck the fetalfibronectin test till next week. It will be every 2 weeks. So other then that not too much new. I go back next wednesday of course.

After we left I did go to the mall!!! The dr told me to try a belly belt or whatever since she is so low and its uncomfortable. Well we stopped in stride rite and as you can see hunter had quite the time. I dont even know how many pairs we tried on. We just bought him shoes not long ago. but he grew out of his other ones already. He is now in a 10.5 CRAZY!!! Plus they had a sale on. He ended up getting a pair of sandals for Easter and new athletic shoes. He had fun. As far as the belly band thing ... it did help but i felt like it was smashing her little head and making her uncomfortable so i decided to tough it out!! :o)

New Shoes again!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

baby sister and hunter's cute pug nose

I just remembered something i wanted to share with everyone that I have been trying to remember for like a week now ... go figure! Last week danny and I were sitting on the couch, well he was sitting i was laying ... and we were talking about hunters cute little pug nose. We were saying how none of us really have his nose and we werent sure where he got it from. So the next day I went to the dr and had an ultrasound. Usually whenever I have an ultrasound baby sister is always head down threatening to make an entrance and always face down. We usually cant get much of a picture because of this. Well this time she was head down but face up and I immediately saw that she has the same nose as hunter!!! It is so cute. I put a couple pics of hunter on here that showed his profile as much as possible but some of the ones of him cooking might be better. I hope you enjoy them!

Baby sister close up!!!
28 weeks

Look at that cute nose!!

checking the mail!

Showing grandmom a bug on his finger!

update time

Quick update! Yesterday i had another dr appt in the morning and went to the high risk dr in the afternoon. Both appointments went well. My cervix was 3cm thinned, which is a little thicker then last week. She checked me and i was still 1 cm dilated. I had a FFN test which was negative. This is the test that shows with a 75% chance I will go into labor in the next 2 weeks. So that was negative which is great. The high risk dr just affirmed everything we had been doing. He did an anatomy ultrasound and estimated her weight to be 3lbs 3oz. Which is really good. He also told me to start on my meds again for the contractions. With everything cardiac wise being negative and since i am still having contractions and it made my day easier being on it he said to start it back. i dont have to wake myself up to take it ... but see how it goes. I think a lot of my palpitations has to do with stress ... i had them the entire time i waited in the dr office and was hot then i went back and it was gone ... they have been a lot less recently which makes things a lot more comfortable.  I dont go until next wednesday so hopefully we wont have any updates until then. Friday is the 30 week mark!!!

Above is a pic of hunter when he was on the potty before bath. He gives us those eyes when he starts to go potty. Like he surprises himself. its really cute. He is getting better on the potty but still isnt too too into it yet. He will get it eventually i think if i could do more it might be easier for him to catch on but thats ok. We have been asking him lately what his baby sister likes .... like ... does baby sister use a cup or a bottle ... bottle he says ... does baby sister use a snuggly or a ghnn ... that is what he calls his other snuggly ... he said to us ... no its hunters snuggly and gghhnn. So we explained to him we had to go to the store and buy her a pink one ... and he says ... yeah ... we have to buuuyy some. Wish you could hear him says it he emphasizes buy ... He no longer has a paci around anywhere ... well he already said its hunters blue paci ... we have to buuy some for baby sister from the red ball store (target). :O) even though he doesnt have his blue paci ... he just remembers it and sees it in pictures sometimes :o)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

chef hunter!

So I am feeling a little more upbeat this evening and I wanted to post some cute pics of Hunter cooking. He decided he wanted to cook with my mom so they were making mashed potatoes. Yes to him they are considered a veggie so no he did not eat them for dinner but he did manage to taste them off the beater!! He said ... "its delicious mommy ... taste"


So i went to the dr yesterday. I was 2.5cm which means i thinned some. They didnt check me because she didnt want to over aggravate things. They were going to do a fetalfibronectin test ... i think thats how you spell it ... but since i had a vaginal ultrasound they didnt want it to show up false. Its a test that shows 80% whether or not you will deliver within 2 weeks. I am not sure if it would have been false negative or positive. I did manage to gain 1 pound so that is good. I have been having trouble with palpitations so they drew some blood to check my thyroid and i am going to follow up with a cardiologist today for an echo and monitor to wear for a few days and then see the dr friday. 

So it seemed like it was going to be a slow day little did we know baby girl had other ideas. Around about 4 i started feeling uncomfortable and then decided to write down my contractions. They began about 10 min apart then 5-8 min when i finally called the dr. They took me off all the medicine because of the palpitations so they didnt want me to go back on that yet. So we headed down to the hospital. By the time i go there the contractions were 5 min or so with a lot of irritability and the true contractions were crazy intense. They did the test FFN which did come back negative then gave me a bolus of fluid which helped the contractions finally slow.  They sent us home and now i am waiting to call back and see when i will go back. We ae really happy things slowed and nothing else needed to be done. Its just crazy how this whole thing has been so up and down, its wearing me out and i know it has to be wearing danny out too. And hunter as well. 

I will update with whats next. I go for the ECHO today and monitor then maybe see the OB while i am down there, im not sure yet. I am waiting till they open to call and find out. I just wanted to update everyone real quick since i usually write something after the drs on wednesdays. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

carnival rides!!!

As of this morning I can no longer take the medicine that helps my contractions slow or stop. I have been trying to wean myself off because of contraindications that the dr talked to me about on wednesday plus i havent been having as many contractions. Well in the process it has been giving me pretty significant palpitations and irregular heart beats. It was pretty scary saturday then sunday was even worse. I was so confused as to whether i needed the meds for my heart or was it because i was coming off of them that I was having the trouble and why now i have been taking this medicine now for about 4 weeks and never had a problem. Well i talked to the dr today and they want me to come off it all together. I am pretty nervous about it, which makes me contract even more ... but i am just trying to stay really low key even more then before and lay around as usual. so we will see how things go.

This weekend there was a carnival at the school my cousins go to and I wanted so desperately to go. Hunter had so much fun last year and he wast even able to do much so I knew this year was going to be a big one for him. My emotions have been up and down and so sunday they were really down knowing in the head going to the carnival would be too much but wanted to experience it with danny and hunter. Danny and I had a long talk and he helped me through it. He sent me lots of pictures and video while he was there and brought me home some ritas italian ice. :o) Its just hard knowing its better for you not to do something and knowing you will be missing out on something big in the process.

Hunter seems to be going through a phase of nightmares maybe ... he is waking up in the middle of the night all of the sudden saying hes scared. We are trying to keep him out of our bed as much as possible so I layed with him in his room last night. Please pray its just a phase and he feels better soon.

This was the begining of the motorcycle ride ... Hold on tight!!!

Hunter, his cousin Liam and Auntie M!

Having fun on a ride with daddy!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hunter's much needed haircut and my praise God report!!

Before his haircut!!!!

So today we went back to the dr. I am soooo happy and blessed to report that things were a little better then last week. I was 3cm. I didnt gain any weight still, which amazes me but like a good friend pointed out i must be losing all my muscle. But thats ok I am approaching week 28 and I am really excited. She checked me today ... i wasnt dilated either, i had an awful dream and have been feeling anxious and weird so it really put me at ease knowing nothing was developing. I am still receiving the progesterone shots every week which seem to hurt and have more of an impact on me now, they make me feel like i am going to pass out ... its weird but hey ... keeping her in is our goal so whatever works right?!? So I go back in 1 week and we will see how it is. 

On the way home we stopped at a barber shop and got Hunters haircut!!! I usually take him to this kids place by my house but since i cant drive and its not close to my moms its been hard to get there and as you will be able to tell from the before pics it was much needed. He did soo good as always. He seems to surprise me on things that may stress him out ... he just sits right through them. He was excited after to get his lollipop which he then reminded me we dont bite just lick! :o) I hope you enjoy the pics. Thank you everyone for all your prayers!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

staying positive

We were back to the dr yesterday. We waited 2 hours it was so busy and poor hunter was there but he did well. I did thin more down to between 2.4 and 2.6cm. Which is pretty nerve racking. I just want to get out of the 20's (week). I know any time before 36 is going to be rough but being 27 weeks tomorrow scares me to death. Hunter was 29 weeks when he was born. They will continue to watch and measure me every week. If i get down to 1.5cm or below is when they will give me more meds and prob put me in the hospital, im not too sure they havent said much cause they dont want me to worry too much.

So anyway i am just staying positive, staying on the couch and hoping to pass the weeks.
Here are a couple pics of hunter from yesterday when he was so patient. My mom and him went on many walks and found some powdered donuts. He wanted them so bad then ate maybe 1 total. He must be like me ... if they were chocolate they would have been gone!!! He doesnt have much of a sweet tooth, he will eventually so i am not complaining! :o)

We were able to go to dannys first home baseball game yesterday. They won and danny really enjoyed it. Hunter sat in his little lawn chair and yelled "go daddy go ... go daddy go" the whole time, it was soo cute. I wish i had a picture to show you. I brought a lawn chair for me and layed down the whole time so it was nice to get out.  The less I think about everything the better!!!

"Do not be anxious in anything,
but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phillippians 4:6-7

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This weekend, as many of you might know, 3 of my most amazing friends came down for some warm weather and fellowship. It couldn't have come at a better time. We didn't do much and it pretty much was because of me but it was an awesome weekend. We all layed out all day Saturday and pretty much baked ourselves. We played games and just really enjoyed each others company ... i know i did. It was really rejuvenating and much needed. I am so grateful for all of them and the time and money they spent to come see me. They even had a little shower for baby Avery/Layla ... not sure what her name will be quite yet though we did work hard on Danny this weekend to convince him of Avery! :o)

This week is my 4Th week of bed rest. I am incredibly grateful for all my family who is here to take care of me and hunter. I am very blessed for everyone and try my hardest to remember that everyday. It just wears on you the same thing everyday ... people bring me movies but i am over the whole invention of television except as i lay here writing this i am anticipating watching the bachelor from last night ... ha!! I am trying to read more and come up with things I can do with hunter while i lay here. I really can not wait until we can do the simple things again ... look for bugs together outside ... go to the "cookie store" as hunter calls it ... really its the grocery store ... or when we can go to the library for story time again ... do laundry even ... wake up make coffee and plan the day ... but i have now come to the conclusion this weekend that i must do any and everything i can to keep our baby girl warm and healthy and pretty much be her growing station for as long as God allows. Right now we have our eyes on at least 30 weeks, if we could get into the 30's would be a blessing but next i pray for 36. And even though that is still 10 weeks away, i am OK with laying around till then ... my dream is that when she is born that she is healthy enough for them to lay her across my chest. Even if we don't make it that far we have already come a long way. But we stay positive and pray hard.

Hunter has adapted incredibley to all the confusion with mommy always having to laydown and not able to do much with him anymore. He has become more attacted then prior but that probably expected. He turns into more and more of our little man everyday. Please pray he continues to do well with everything and when the baby does come he will adapt and understand. 

Back to the dr tomorrow so look for an update. Hopefully it will be good news ... Danny has his first home game as head coach of st pete high schools baseball team and after the dr we are planning on going there ... backing my moms car up ... and having me lay my booty in the back and be able to watch the game and watch hunter see his daddy's baseball game ... im excited!! 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Good news!!!

So I went to the dr today. My cervix was actually a little thicker ... by .2cm. But hey we will take it! So, I will just continue bed rest, my medicine and go back for another check in 1 week. 

They said I can go to the beach for 2 days ... friday night to sunday afternoon, which i am sooo excited about. I have to do everything as i would here. No going out to eat, no driving ... stay hydrated and laying down except for when i go to the bathroom or eat but who cares ... at least i will have a new surrounding and wonderful friends to be with ... YAY!!!

Here is a pic of hunter enjoying some lovin' and bed rest this am before we went to the dr. He is definately getting spoiled always having mommmy around to watch movies with ... elmos shapes and colors is something we watch at least twice a day now. He is soo cute when he says octagon ... which he now can identify!! Love his heart!!! :o)

One more thing ... thank you all for all of your prayers and thoughts. This  has definately been a time of ups and downs recently but hopefully this will be the begining of things to settle and calm down until at least 36 weeks. Yes this is my life till 36 weeks. But right now our goal is a happy healthy baby girl so we will keep praying and trusting the Lord will take care of all of us in our journey.

"Trust in the Lord forever, 
For in God the Lord, 
we have an everlasting Rock."
Isaiah 26:4

Saturday, February 14, 2009

poor hunter-man

Sorry this is so late but it has been quite busy around here lately. 
Thursday hunter went to a softball game with my aunt to watch one of his cousins play. He was doing fine but then started having trouble breathing. He had a cold but respiratory wise he wasn't having a problem until then. My mom took him right to the Dr's office a little before 5 after i pleaded with them to see him. He looked awful. So anyway, they started him on another 10 days of his antibiotic, prednisone for 5 days and his nebulizer ever 4 hours. 

That night we stayed at my moms because Danny was out late with a baseball game and i didn't want to make hunters day even busier. He slept from 9:30-12:30 then he was up, wide awake. I gave him a treatment, tried to put him back down but he wasn't having it. So we layed on the couch and watched tv. Right about 1am, i started having contractions. They didn't seem very serious at first, I have been having contractions a few an hour ever since i went on bed rest but they didn't stop. They went from 10 min apart to 6 min then to 4 min apart. So I called, woke up Danny and we went to the hospital. By that time the contractions were 2 min apart and pretty painful. They gave me a shot of terbutaline which seemed to him right away but after a hour they came back. About 4 strong ones in an hour and what they call irritability every minute, irritability is like minor contractions. So they then started me on Procardia. We use it on our floor for blood pressure, its a smooth muscle relaxer so they use it to relax my uterus. It helped after about another hour and they let me go home. 

So now I am back to bed rest, taking procardia every 6 hours and dealing with a sickly little man. Hunter is getting better, still on his treatments and is congested but starting to eat more and sleep regularly again. The procardia really seems to be helping. Its nice not having contractions all the time now, maybe a 10 or so in a day. Hopefully this will be the turn around. I go back to the Dr wednesday for a check up and to measure my cervix, lets pray its better news. Its just crazy going from doing everything yourself to having to rely on other people for everything! Its definitely been an adjustment!

Breathing treatments with grandma

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Doctor updates!

Well today was another outing to the doctors office. Both for me and Hunter. Hunter had a follow up eye appointment, since he was a preemie and was on oxygen for so long the eye doctor is an important maintenance of his. The latest update is that he is still far sighted. We thought maybe he was color blind but the Dr said he wont check that for another year or so. Color blindness runs on the moms side for male babies and dads for females. We know of no one who is far sighted on our family so hopefully he wont be the first. They said in order to check they have a picture of the number eight half is in the color green and half is in red. When they ask him what number it is ... if he says 3 he is color blind if he says 8 then he isn't. pretty cool. So basically he is good for a year, we just have a few things to look out for and as long as they don't occur then we don't have to bring him back any earlier. 

My appointment on the other hand wasn't as positive. Though having far less contractions my cervix thinned from 4cm to between 2.7cm-3.3cm. They didn't see if i was dilated because they didn't want to over stimulate anything. So i will go back in 1 week when i get another progesterone shot and they will remeasure me to see what my cervix measures. Lets pray things calm down, i am really looking forward to getting out of the house and parking my booty on the beach with my favorite friends for the weekend, next weekend. The doctor wants to see how i am next weekend then give me the clear for the beach. So we will see. Trying not to worry past today is one of my goals and knowing God is with me and has a plan. 

"So do not fear for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right
Isaiah 41:10

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Blogging begins

As of yesterday, i decided blogging might be something that would make my time useful and help me not be so bored plus i could keep everyone updated on my progress and of course on my little man, hunter and everything he is into.  Hopefully, my blog wont be boring. 

I have been on bed rest now for two weeks tomorrow and it seems to be dragging by. Only approaching my 25Th week in pregnancy and still having some contractions I can forecast bed rest better be something i start getting used to. We seem to be getting into a routine now which makes things easier on hunter. The best part so far is that Hunter doesn't seem to mind always being able to watch a movie snuggled up next to his mommy at any time of the day!

Hope you enjoy the pic of hunter kissing his baby sister. He is very sweet to her, though he wont name her. When you ask him where baby sister is he says "in hunter's mommy". Ask him the name and he says either "mommy" or just "sister".  :o)