Thursday, February 26, 2009

staying positive

We were back to the dr yesterday. We waited 2 hours it was so busy and poor hunter was there but he did well. I did thin more down to between 2.4 and 2.6cm. Which is pretty nerve racking. I just want to get out of the 20's (week). I know any time before 36 is going to be rough but being 27 weeks tomorrow scares me to death. Hunter was 29 weeks when he was born. They will continue to watch and measure me every week. If i get down to 1.5cm or below is when they will give me more meds and prob put me in the hospital, im not too sure they havent said much cause they dont want me to worry too much.

So anyway i am just staying positive, staying on the couch and hoping to pass the weeks.
Here are a couple pics of hunter from yesterday when he was so patient. My mom and him went on many walks and found some powdered donuts. He wanted them so bad then ate maybe 1 total. He must be like me ... if they were chocolate they would have been gone!!! He doesnt have much of a sweet tooth, he will eventually so i am not complaining! :o)

We were able to go to dannys first home baseball game yesterday. They won and danny really enjoyed it. Hunter sat in his little lawn chair and yelled "go daddy go ... go daddy go" the whole time, it was soo cute. I wish i had a picture to show you. I brought a lawn chair for me and layed down the whole time so it was nice to get out.  The less I think about everything the better!!!

"Do not be anxious in anything,
but in everything, by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phillippians 4:6-7

1 comment:

  1. Sorry we played phone tag last night. Really, I was relieved to read this- I actually thought you may have progressed more. I know any more progression is bad news but just think, Miss Avery justs wants to make sure you don't forget her- I bet she's already quite a character. Miss you, Andrea! Tell that cute little boy that lives in your house that Kate (and Mia) say hello.
