Saturday, February 14, 2009

poor hunter-man

Sorry this is so late but it has been quite busy around here lately. 
Thursday hunter went to a softball game with my aunt to watch one of his cousins play. He was doing fine but then started having trouble breathing. He had a cold but respiratory wise he wasn't having a problem until then. My mom took him right to the Dr's office a little before 5 after i pleaded with them to see him. He looked awful. So anyway, they started him on another 10 days of his antibiotic, prednisone for 5 days and his nebulizer ever 4 hours. 

That night we stayed at my moms because Danny was out late with a baseball game and i didn't want to make hunters day even busier. He slept from 9:30-12:30 then he was up, wide awake. I gave him a treatment, tried to put him back down but he wasn't having it. So we layed on the couch and watched tv. Right about 1am, i started having contractions. They didn't seem very serious at first, I have been having contractions a few an hour ever since i went on bed rest but they didn't stop. They went from 10 min apart to 6 min then to 4 min apart. So I called, woke up Danny and we went to the hospital. By that time the contractions were 2 min apart and pretty painful. They gave me a shot of terbutaline which seemed to him right away but after a hour they came back. About 4 strong ones in an hour and what they call irritability every minute, irritability is like minor contractions. So they then started me on Procardia. We use it on our floor for blood pressure, its a smooth muscle relaxer so they use it to relax my uterus. It helped after about another hour and they let me go home. 

So now I am back to bed rest, taking procardia every 6 hours and dealing with a sickly little man. Hunter is getting better, still on his treatments and is congested but starting to eat more and sleep regularly again. The procardia really seems to be helping. Its nice not having contractions all the time now, maybe a 10 or so in a day. Hopefully this will be the turn around. I go back to the Dr wednesday for a check up and to measure my cervix, lets pray its better news. Its just crazy going from doing everything yourself to having to rely on other people for everything! Its definitely been an adjustment!

Breathing treatments with grandma

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